September 25, 2011

The Days Are Getting Shorter

Monday Morning Match is a quick post - maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea - intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

"I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read, and all the friends I want to see."
~ John Burrough

Today's post and message is really simple. Up to this moment right now, you have worked hard to build some incredible relationships. Among all the people you have in your life right now, who would say are your 5 closest friends?

Think about that for a second. Look at the fingers on your right or left hand right now. Starting with your pinkie, name one of your closest connections. Ring finger? Middle finger? Pointer? Thumb?

My guess is you have some incredible memories rushing onto your head right now and it's hard to contain the smile from your lips, right?

Do yourself a favor this week and commit to calling each one of them this week, for no other reason than to just say "hello," "I miss you," "how's life?" or "let's get together soon."

If you have more than 5 that is awesome. Call all 10... or 20... or 50. I am sure that many of you would have a hard time narrowing it down to a "top five" but you probably don't have more than 5 of what you would consider your "best friends." It could be a spouse, parent, child, grandparent, former client, childhood buddy, high school classmate or college friend.

Whoever you're thinking of right now, call them.

After you've reached out and connected with those five people, trust'll have plenty of time to put on your real estate hat and start building relationships, solving problems and having fun.

This time it's not's personal.