Monday Morning Match is a short post - maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea - intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.
The holidays are over and the new year has begun. I hope everyone enjoyed their time away from the business and used it to rest up, revive and get re-focused.
Now, it's time to put on your overalls, work boots and hard hats and make things happen. These next few weeks are when the heavy lifting really needs to happen.
Remember the powerful success advice shared by Jim Rohn -
"You must get good at one of two things: planting in the spring or begging in the fall."
Now, I would like to add in a small piece of advice to Rohn's statement; Don't wait until spring. Start planting today, tomorrow and the next day.
There will be people who find out about a job transfer or promotion this week. There will be some lucky couple who finds out they are going to have a new baby later this year. People will need to buy and people will need to sell. There are people out there who wanted to make the move last year but something or someone told them to "wait until next year."
Guess what?
Next year is here.
Start building relationships, solving problems and having fun today.