Here's your challenge this week. Will you be focusing on delivering great service or creating a memorable experience?
There's a big difference. Usually the former is expected while the latter, because it's more rare, is talked about longer.
Think about it. You could receive "great service" from your waitress while out to eat but if the valet drove your car over the curb, the hostess didn't seat you for thirty five minutes after saying it would be a ten-minute wait, the restaurant was so noisy you had to yell to hear your dining partners, the food was horrible and they declined your credit card, are you really telling people about the great service?
On the other hand, think of the last "memorable experience" you had that involved you spending either time, money or personal effort? Whether it was an inexpensive visit to a ice cream parlor, a walk through a neighborhood park or a vacation to a 4-star resort, everything from start to finish would need bring a smile to your face just thinking about it. Only then would it be worth talking about.
What can you focus on this week to create memorable experiences for your clients and customers?