Can the people you want to find you actually find you?
Are you sure that if someone came across a profile of you on-line somewhere you would actually be at the end of the "Contact Me" link or phone number suggested
I was just spending some time today on LinkedIn and was looking through my contact list. I was absolutely amazed at the number of Realtors who I am "linked in" with who don't even have their correct brokerage listed! Many people who are in a non-sales position also had their incorrect companies listed. I wonder if they even remember creating a LinkedIn profile? The sad thing is I bet this is true for some people on sites like Twitter and Facebook too.
Are you sure that if someone came across a profile of you on-line somewhere you would actually be at the end of the "Contact Me" link or phone number suggested
I was just spending some time today on LinkedIn and was looking through my contact list. I was absolutely amazed at the number of Realtors who I am "linked in" with who don't even have their correct brokerage listed! Many people who are in a non-sales position also had their incorrect companies listed. I wonder if they even remember creating a LinkedIn profile? The sad thing is I bet this is true for some people on sites like Twitter and Facebook too.
"The Phone Books Are Here!!!"

Back in the old days (a.k.a. The 90's) you just needed to make sure your name showed up correctly in one place - the phone book. Remember how happy Navin R. Johnson was when he saw his name in the phone book in the classic movie, The Jerk ?
Well today you'll need more than the phone book...and this thermos. (if you don't laugh at that reference, order The Jerk on Netflix)
Have you checked your "on-line" profiles recently? It might be a great time of the year to log in to any site you think people (i.e. potential clients) might find you and update your contact information and personal profile.
You could add in a recent photo and you should also update your family info, office locations, mobile contacts and social media links. In real estate, we never know where our next good lead will come from so let's do what we can to insure it does,'t get sent to the competition by default.
Not only might you be missing good opportunities with clients, you could also be violating state license law when it comes to clearly representing your brokerage and role.
What are you waiting for? Get out there and check your social media profiles. While you're there, make sure we're connected. I'd love to stay in touch with you...assuming your contact information is correct.