September 11, 2011

When Fear Keeps You Down...Get Up!

Monday Morning Match is a quick post - maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea - intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

In the shadow of the anniversary of 9/11, I felt this was a great quote to share...not just because of the meaning for those of you in the real estate business but also anyone of you who enjoys the "American way" in general.

"We learn by courageous action going forward whenever fear urges us back. A little boy was asked how he learned to skate. 'Oh, by getting up every time I fell down' he answered."

~ David Seabury, How to Worry Successfully

  • How does that statement apply to your career?

  • How does that statement apply to your life?

In real estate, like in life, you're going to get knocked down far more than you're going remain standing tall. Are you willing to get up every time?

There is no doubt that in your career you will be rejected more often that you will be selected so decide now if that will make you or break you.

Are you ready to say that "nothing will keep me from building my business" or will you take the easy way out and say "I'll wait for business to come to me."

If you get knocked down, stop pointing fingers, belly-aching and making excuses. Get your ass back up and start marketing solutions to the necessary people that can help you win the "game."

The time is right to start building relationships, solving problems and having fun.

Why are you still just sitting there? Success starts bright and early.

Get your ass up!