August 26, 2010

Are Your Peers Putting Pressure on Traditional Marketing?

At last week's Coldwell Banker Summer Technology Summit, keynote presenter Stefan Swanepoel discussed many of the top trends in real estate today. As one would expect, he spent a significant amount of time talking about the impact of social networking and the new opportunities people have to build vast relationships with more people than they ever knew they really "knew" through the use of networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter among others.

Here's a brief video from the event where Swanepoel discusses the impact that social media (and the social marketing aspect it has created) has had on the "old fashioned" way of marketing to and through consumers. He also talks about how a relationship on Facebook (peer to peer) can now deliver more of the trust and credibility that the traditional media used to provide.

Are you just amassing friends, followers and contacts on these sites or are you leveraging the massive power of these sites to "build relationships, solve problems and have more fun"?