October 4, 2009

Monday Morning Match - What Will They Say About You?

What Will They Say About You?

Are you striving to be a star or are you satisfied just being "in the play"? Some people want to be the leading man or leading lady while others are just as content to see their name in the program or scrolling in the credits at the end.

Our success isn't as much about what happens to us on the big stage as it's about what happens to us each day on our way to that big stage. Emmitt Smith didn't become the NFL's all-time leading rusher in one game. Nope. He gained those 18, 355 yards one yard at a time.

What's your work ethic going to be today? How about this week? There are less than 100 days in the year. Come to think of it, there are less than 100 days left in this DECADE!!! What are you waiting for? What needs to be done now to help elevate you to the levels of success you deserve?

Watch this video and ask yourself what they will be saying about you?

I hope you have an awesome week!