December 20, 2010

It's Better to Give than Receive

Monday Morning Match is a short post - maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea - intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

As we begin our final descent into the Christmas holiday weekend, some of us have some last minute gift shopping to accomplish. It would do everyone well to remember these words from Earl Nightingale:

"If we can augment our gift giving by giving more of ourselves to those we love, all the time and in various ways, we will have a good chance of helping them and ourselves live happier, better lives."

You have a lot to offer. It could be a wrapped gift that will satisfy a material need for someone but remember that you have other things you could offer that will have a much longer, lasting impact.

  • Spend an hour over lunch with the newest agent in your office. Tell them of your biggest mistakes as well as of your most successful business building techniques.

  • Volunteer your time for someone less fortunate. Collect food or coats or donate your time at the local food bank or soup kitchen.

  • Donate some money to an charitable organization in memory of a loved one.

  • Deliver a hand written note to your manager, broker or company trainer for helping provide you with encouragement and support all year long.

  • Over your holiday break, spend a full day "unplugged" from technology - Don't check email, voice mail, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  • Read more books. The knowledge you gain is immeasurable. Even giving the book itself to someone when you're done make for a great gift. It's especially rewarding to read to a child.

  • Call your Mom and Dad or visit them at the cemetery if they are no longer alive.

  • And keep your eyes open for opportunities to build relationships, solve problems and have fun.