Quality can be defined as "a degree or grade of excellence or worth." Most people know quality when they see it...or experience...or feel it...or taste it. But can you put your finger on quality when it's your turn to provide it?
I came upon a very interesting website the other day that is chock full of material that could be utilized by sales agents, sales managers, leaders or anyone who might be looking to grow themselves or the people they work with or for.
Tom Peters is considered one of the "gurus" in management and leadership development and understanding. His website has so much information in it that no matter what field you may be in, you're sure to find something that you can use, implement or refer to to build your business or better achieve what it is you seek to achieve.
On Peter's website, you can access many of the most creative, forward thinking blogs as well as much of his own thoughts, works and insights or those that he finds relevant to today's world. I would like to encourage you to visit the site and be sure to check out the link for "Free Stuff" on the left hand tool bar.
Among that list of useful, thought-provoking material, you'll find a down-loadable report called "Quality & Excellence: The Quality 136". It is Peter's list of "One Hundred Thirty-six Random Thoughts on Quality, Emphasizing the Elements That Are Often Missing in Conventional Quality Programs."
While the entire list will make you think about your business, your company, your industry and how you are approaching each and every relationship you have, here are a few of my favorites:
- #2 - Quality is the enthusiasm of the receptionist's greeting (As an independent contractor, how does your greeting make your customers and clients feel)
- #21 - Quality is getting to a meeting, every meeting...early!
- #45 - Quality is Very Simple systems
- #128 - Quality is religiously learning one new thing every day
- #133 - Quality is making mistakes when you try new things
Visit the website, download this free report in its entirety and let me know which areas of quality you're going to work on this week.
Until my next post...keep building relationships...solving problems... and having fun!