Showing posts with label PurpleFeather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PurpleFeather. Show all posts

July 17, 2011

I Can See Clearly Now?

Monday Morning Match is a quick post - maybe a quote, inspirational story or idea - intended to spark some motivation inside each of you so your week gets off to a fantastic start on Monday morning.

As I just returned from vacation, I'm going to keep today's post simple. I received a wonderful email while I was away from a good friend who also happens to be an excellent Realtor and branch manager, Kate Koplinka. Kate is with Coldwell Banker M and D Good Life in Long Island, New York. We met several years ago at a Coldwell Banker convention in San Antonio and have stayed in touch since then via social media as well as in person at some incredible company events. She's one of those people in our industry who just "gets it" and you want to see her and others like her succeed.

The Power of Words

I use a lot of videos in my presentations if I feel they have a pertinent message or emphasize a point I am trying to convey. I know Kate (along with other managers who read this blog) use some of these videos in branch meetings, either for humor or inspiration, depending on what might be needed.

I always appreciate when people share powerful videos with me as well because you just never know when one will strike you in a powerful way. The video below that Kate sent me last week is a perfect example of one of those videos. It comes from the folks at PurpleFeather, a team of freelance copyright specialists who provide online contents in the UK.

Watch this and tell me it doesn't help you "see" what's ahead of you this week, just a little bit clearer. If you can't see a video below, click here

The good news? As people of integrity, determination and a genuine work ethic, Kate and many of  you, my loyal readers of The Realtor's Toolbox will succeed.

Thanks again for sharing the video. I hope if you see something that would be a good fit for The Realtor'sToolbox, I invite you to share it with me, either here or on any of the social networks where we might be connected.

Until next time, spend your week building relationships, solving problems and having fun.