December 24, 2009

A Holiday Market Update

Twas the night before Christmas and all 'cross the net
People were still shopping, getting closer to debt
The economy was starting to slowly recover
So what's a few more charges on Visa and Discover?

Free shipping was offered, a discount on wrapping?
Those people on QVC just kept on with their yapping
"Order now and you'll get a special addition..."
Getting crap we don't need is an American Christmas tradition

If a new home's in your future for the year 2010
You should probably start looking for a bank who will lend
They'll all gladly approve you with good cheer and glee
But can they provide you with a new GFE?

If this will be your first home that your thinking of finding
Be sure the April 30th closing is totally binding
If you have everything signed and closed by that day
You're eligible for a Home Buyer Tax Credit up to $8K

What about a home owner who's thinking of moving?
Well you're future has recently started improving
You can earn a nice break so try and hold back your tears
As long as you've been in your house for five of the last eight years

The Sellers out there should start realizing
Home sales the last 6 months have been steadily rising
The prices are now stable, they're coming alive
But they're nowhere near the levels of 2005

So don't be outrageous and shoot for the moon
If you price it too high you'll still be there in June
You've got to appeal to their sense of perception
Position it right to attract buyer attention

It should be extra clean and have good curb appeal
Price it to sell, it should look like a steal
The buyers will scurry and dig into their coffers
If you're lucky you'll be dealing with multiple offers

One thing is for certain as you look to the new year
Don't make emotional choices, you'll have to think clear
Here's some simple advice, you certainly deserve this
Hire a Realtor who will give you "truly remarkable service"

If "building relationships" is task number one
They can probably "solve problems" and "have lots of fun"
They're the agent for you and your family's transaction
I can almost guarantee your total satisfaction

Now to the hard working agents who have joined us this year
I raise a glass to you all filled with holiday cheer
There's no doubt that you all will be true market leaders
Thanks for being such loyal Realtor's Toolbox blog readers.

Merry Christmas!

May you all enjoy a prosperous 2010.
